It takes time for used office furniture to be evaluated, disassembled and removed. If you are planning a move, include furniture liquidation in the estimated timeline. This will maximize the value of your excess inventory by giving us time to locate the best secondary buyers for your asset. Additionally, it will relieve the stress at the end of move and ensure any commercial lease obligations are upheld.
A furniture liquidator understands all the removal details: how long it will take, how much it will cost, how to work with the building and its management team, how to ensure a company’s leased space is ready to turn back on time, and how to maximize the value of the existing furniture.
Reputable liquidation companies will perform their won inventory and evaluation during a walk through and this inventory will become a part of their proposal. It is not necessary for you to provide a detailed inventory of your assets. Photos, however, are helpful when the liquidator is discussing the project’s scope with you.
Many costs associated with storage are often ignored. Once the total cost involved with storing and later moving furniture are accounted for, liquidation is often the economically sensible option. Labor and transportation costs for removal and unloading as well as costs for damaged product, storage, reloading, transportation to the new location, and installation should be evaluated. With a liquidation, the moving costs are all borne by the liquidator and there are never any ongoing storage costs.
Businesses which are liquidating office furniture should allow the entire inventory to be evaluated by a furniture liquidator in order to maximize their financial return. Allowing the sale of select items to “specialists” often results in an overall loss of value to the business. This furniture “cherry picking” ends up leaving the less desirable pieces and normally doesn’t offset the additional cost of removing the lesser valued items, often leaving a seller financially disappointed.
Many brokers will not make a commitment to remove the furniture until they have sold to a furnitue buyer which can be located anywhere in the country. It takes time to broker deals. While this is happening, the business selling the furniture runs the risk of a leas violation due to a missed deadline. A furniture wholesaler will commit in the proposal to purchase and remove the furniture within a specified time frame, ensuring that the client has confidence in promised deadlines.